Research Misconduct
Research misconduct means fabrication, falsification or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or reporting research results. Research misconduct does not include honest error or differences of opinion.
It is Boston College policy that those conducting research will adhere to the highest ethical standards. All members of the University community are responsible for reporting what they believe to be misconduct on the part of the faculty, research personnel (including and temporary or adjunct members of the research staff), students, and other trainees. Any person who possesses information that leads them to believe that a member of the University community has engaged in an activity that could be construed as research misconduct should report the matter, in writing if possible, to the Vice Provost for Research.
BC’s Research Misconduct Program administers the University’s Research Misconduct Policy and its associated processes (including the assessment, inquiry, and investigation of research misconduct allegations), to ensure that allegations are addressed promptly, fairly, and, when applicable, in compliance with the sponsor’s policies and requirements.
The BC Research Misconduct Policy does not apply to authorship or collaboration disputes, nor is it intended to cover all ethical and professional misconduct matters that may arise in the performance of research.
Additional Information
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Guides and Reference Materials
Guides and Reference Materials
More to Come
Leigh-Alistair Barzey
Director of Research Security, Integrity, and Compliance
EthicsPoint Hotline
The University ethics reporting hotline provides an anonymous channel for employees to facilitate reporting of possible illegal, unethical, or improper conduct when normal channels of communication are not available or are impractical under the circumstances. You can submit an anonymous report through the EthicsPoint Hotline at